The aim of this project is to develop a machine learning model that predicts house prices in Chennai, India. With the increasing demand for real estate in Chennai, accurate price prediction can assist both buyers and sellers in making informed decisions. The project involves collecting and preprocessing a dataset containing relevant features such as location, size, amenities, and other factors influencing house prices.
Import all the necessary libraries
Load the dataset
Preprocess the data such as handling missing values, correcting mistakes, removing unnecessary columns, encoding categorical values
Perform exploratory data analysis
Perform feature selection using correlation, Variance threshold
Split the data into independent and dependent
Scale the independent data
Train the data using different model such as RandomForestRegressor, GradientBoostingRegressor, AdaBoost Regressor, SVR, XGB Regressor
Comapare the R squared of all the model and select the best of them
Perform cross validation to check if the model works on all part of the data
Perform hyperparamter tuning by testing with different parameter and select the best parameters
Lets us start to make predictions